



アクセンチュア株式会社(東京都港区、代表取締役社長:江川 昌史、以下、アクセンチュア)は、トランコムITS株式会社(愛知県名古屋市、代表取締役社長:石山 耕一、以下、トランコムITS)から、次世代の物流ソリューションおよびデジタルエンジニアリングの創造につながる事業を譲り受けることに合意したことを発表します。本合意の条件は非公開です。

アクセンチュアが獲得するのは、トランコムITSが持つロジスティクス領域向けのシステム導入、インフラ構築、コンサルティング、ソフトウエア開発やアウトソーシング事業、および関連するノウハウや顧客基盤です。また、クラウド、IoTやセンサー技術などに精通した約190名のトランコムITSの人材がアクセンチュア インダストリーX(エックス)本部に加わります。これにより、トランコムITSが持つ物流、サプライチェーンやエンジニアリング領域の高い専門性と、アクセンチュアが持つデジタル技術が組み合わされ、時代が求めるロジスティクス領域におけるハイパーオートメーションの実現を支援します。



アクセンチュアでは、トランコムITSが持つ高い専門性と当社のAI(人工知能)やデジタルトランスフォーメーションの能力を組み合わせ、製造業をはじめとするお客様により高付加価値なサービスを提供します。一例として、AIやアナリティクスを活用してサプライチェーン全体を最適化するAI POWERED SCM(サプライチェーン管理)サービスとの融合が挙げられます。これによって、製造およびロジスティクス領域でプロセスの省人化・無人化を実現するソリューションが強化されるなど、デジタルを活用した変革支援体制を強化します。

アクセンチュア株式会社 インダストリーX本部 統括本部長 中藪 竜也は次のように述べています。「設計・開発や、生産・物流などモノづくりにかかわるすべての領域に、AIやロボティクスを組み合わせたデジタルトランスフォーメーションを実現し、まだ世の中にないモノや仕組みをお客様とともに創造していくことがアクセンチュア インダストリーXの使命です。この世界観を実現するためには、ロジスティクスやエンジニアリング領域の深い知見と経験が求められます。トランコムITSが持つ優れた人材と専門性は、インダストリーXの使命を実現するために欠かすことのできない要素なのです。我々に加わるトランコムITSの皆さまとともに、お客様にかつてないイノベーションとさらなる変革をもたらすサービスを展開してまいります」





アクセンチュアは、デジタル、クラウドおよびセキュリティ領域において卓越した能力で世界をリードするプロフェッショナル サービス企業です。40を超える業界の比類のなき知見、経験と専門スキルを組み合わせ、ストラテジー&コンサルティング、インタラクティブ、テクノロジー、オペレーションズサービスを、世界最大の先端テクノロジーセンターとインテリジェントオペレーションセンターのネットワークを活用して提供しています。アクセンチュアは69万9,000人の社員が、世界120カ国以上のお客様に対してサービスを提供しています。アクセンチュアは、変化がもたらす力を受け入れ、お客様、社員、株主、パートナー企業や社会へのさらなる価値を創出します。



Forward-Looking Statements
Except for the historical information and discussions contained herein, statements in this news release may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as “may,” “will,” “should,” “likely,” “anticipates,” “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “projects,” “believes,” “estimates,” “positioned,” “outlook” and similar expressions are used to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied. These risks include, without limitation, risks that: Accenture and TRANCOM ITS will not be able to close the transaction in the time period anticipated, or at all, which is dependent on the parties’ ability to satisfy certain closing conditions; the transaction might not achieve the anticipated benefits for Accenture; the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted Accenture’s business and operations, and the extent to which it will continue to do so and its impact on the company’s future financial results are uncertain; Accenture’s results of operations have been, and may in the future be, adversely affected by volatile, negative or uncertain economic and political conditions and the effects of these conditions on the company’s clients’ businesses and levels of business activity; Accenture’s business depends on generating and maintaining ongoing, profitable client demand for the company’s services and solutions including through the adaptation and expansion of its services and solutions in response to ongoing changes in technology and offerings, and a significant reduction in such demand or an inability to respond to the evolving technological environment could materially affect the company’s results of operations; if Accenture is unable to keep its supply of skills and resources in balance with client demand around the world and attract and retain professionals with strong leadership skills, the company’s business, the utilization rate of the company’s professionals and the company’s results of operations may be materially adversely affected; Accenture faces legal, reputational and financial risks from any failure to protect client and/or company data from security incidents or cyberattacks; the markets in which Accenture operates are highly competitive, and Accenture might not be able to compete effectively; Accenture’s ability to attract and retain business and employees may depend on its reputation in the marketplace; if Accenture does not successfully manage and develop its relationships with key alliance partners or fails to anticipate and establish new alliances in new technologies, the company’s results of operations could be adversely affected; Accenture’s profitability could materially suffer if the company is unable to obtain favorable pricing for its services and solutions, if the company is unable to remain competitive, if its cost-management strategies are unsuccessful or if it experiences delivery inefficiencies or fail to satisfy certain agreed-upon targets or specific service levels; changes in Accenture’s level of taxes, as well as audits, investigations and tax proceedings, or changes in tax laws or in their interpretation or enforcement, could have a material adverse effect on the company’s effective tax rate, results of operations, cash flows and financial condition; Accenture’s results of operations could be materially adversely affected by fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates; changes to accounting standards or in the estimates and assumptions Accenture makes in connection with the preparation of its consolidated financial statements could adversely affect its financial results; Accenture might be unable to access additional capital on favorable terms or at all and if the company raises equity capital, it may dilute its shareholders’ ownership interest in the company; as a result of Accenture’s geographically diverse operations and its growth strategy to continue to expand in its key markets around the world, the company is more susceptible to certain risks; if Accenture is unable to manage the organizational challenges associated with its size, the company might be unable to achieve its business objectives; Accenture might not be successful at acquiring, investing in or integrating businesses, entering into joint ventures or divesting businesses; Accenture’s business could be materially adversely affected if the company incurs legal liability; Accenture’s global operations expose the company to numerous and sometimes conflicting legal and regulatory requirements; Accenture’s work with government clients exposes the company to additional risks inherent in the government contracting environment; if Accenture is unable to protect or enforce its intellectual property rights or if Accenture’s services or solutions infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others or the company loses its ability to utilize the intellectual property of others, its business could be adversely affected; Accenture’s results of operations and share price could be adversely affected if it is unable to maintain effective internal controls; Accenture may be subject to criticism and negative publicity related to its incorporation in Ireland; as well as the risks, uncertainties and other factors discussed under the “Risk Factors” heading in Accenture plc’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and other documents filed with or furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission. Statements in this news release speak only as of the date they were made, and Accenture undertakes no duty to update any forward-looking statements made in this news release or to conform such statements to actual results or changes in Accenture’s expectations.


マーケティング・コミュニケーション本部 広報室
神田 健太郎
TEL: 045-330-7157(部門代表)
Email: accenture.jp.media@accenture.com